Tuesday, December 31, 2013
The Greatest Country on Earth?
- The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners. SOURCE
- The United States has the highest gun ownership rate in the world and the highest per capita rate of firearm-related murders of all developed countries. SOURCE
- One-fifth of U.S. Children are officially "Poor" and 2.8 Million are in "Extreme Poverty". SOURCE
- Among advanced economies, the U.S. spends the most on health care on a relative cost basis with the worst outcome. SOURCE
In other words, the world's richest country spends more of its money on health care while getting less than almost every other nation in return. - In 2012, the most recent year for which complete data is available, the U.S. approved $645.7 billion in defense budget authority (fiscal year 2013 dollars). This figure includes funding for the Pentagon base budget, Department of Energy-administered nuclear weapons activities, and the war in Afghanistan. This number is six times more than China, 11 times more than Russia, 27 times more than Iran and 33 times more than Israel. Though China is often cited as the country’s next great military adversary, U.S. military spending currently doubles that of all of the countries in Asia combined. SOURCE
- The government shutdown took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent. SOURCE
- American teens scored below the international average in math and roughly average in science and reading, compared against dozens of other countries that participated in the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), which was administered last fall. The United States ranked 26th in math — trailing nations such as the Slovakia, Portugal and Russia. What’s more, American high school students dropped to 21st in science (from 17th in 2009) and slipped to 17th in reading (from 14th in 2009), according to the results. SOURCE
- Overeating, lack of health insurance access and comparatively high poverty are among the many reasons why the U.S. has the highest obesity rate with 34 percent of the adult population classified as obese. SOURCE
- In terms of National IQ scores, The United States ranks behind China, Mongolia, Poland, the Czech Republic and a dozen other countries! SOURCE
- 33% of Americans reject the idea of evolution, saying that “humans and other living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.” SOURCE
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
The Back Nine!
You know...time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and embarking on my new life with my mate. Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all. I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams.
The image above is the 18th hole of Bermuda's Mid Ocean Club.
But, here it is...the "back nine" of my life and it catches me by surprise. How did I get here so fast?
Where did the years go and where did my youth go?
I remember well seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that "I was only on the first hole" and the "back nine" was so far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like.
But, here it is... my friends are retired and getting gray... they move slower and I see an older person now. Some are in better and some worse shape than me... but, I see the great change... Not like the ones that I remember who were young and vibrant...but, like me, their age is beginning to show and we are now those older folks that we used to see and never thought we'd become.
Each day now, I find that just getting a shower is a real target for the day! And taking a nap is not a treat anymore... it's mandatory! Cause if I don't on my own free will... I just fall asleep where I sit!
And so... now I enter into this new season of my life unprepared for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability to go and do things that I wish I had done but never did!!
But, at least I know, that though I'm on the "back nine," and I'm not sure how long it will last... this I know, that when it's over on this earth... it's over. A new adventure will begin! Yes, I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn't done... things I should have done, but indeed, there are many things I'm happy to have done. It's all in a lifetime.
So, if you're not on the "back nine" yet... let me remind you, that it will be here faster than you think. So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life please do it quickly! Don't put things off too long!! Life goes by quickly. So, do what you can today, as you can never be sure whether you're on the "back nine" or not!
You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of your life... so, live for today and say all the things that you want your loved ones to remember... and hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things that you have done for them in all the years past!!
"Life" is a gift to you. The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after. Make it a fantastic one. LIVE IT WELL! ENJOY TODAY! DO SOMETHING FUN! BE HAPPY! HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Remember it is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.
- Your kids are becoming you...but your grandchildren are perfect!
- Going out is good...Coming home is better!
- You forget names... but it's OK because other people forgot they even knew you!!!
- You realize you're never going to be really good at anything...especially golf.
- The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don't care to do them anymore.
- You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than in bed. It's called "pre-sleep."
- You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch.
- You tend to use more 4 letter words..."what?"..."when?"...???
- Now that you can afford expensive jewelry, it's not safe to wear it anywhere.
- You notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"?!!!
- What used to be freckles are now liver spots.
- Everybody whispers.
- You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet...2 of which you will never wear.
Old Songs, Old movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS!!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
President Obama is a Pigmy???
Monday, December 9, 2013
More over at Buzzfeed!
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Terence Noel
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Nelson Mandela...R.I.P.
- Nelson Mandela, speech from the dock, Rivonia Trial, Pretoria, South Africa, April 20, 1964
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Compliments of the 2nd Amendment!
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
And from the NRA...
"While widely recognized today as a major political force and as America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights, the NRA has, since its inception, been the premier firearms education organization in the world. But our successes would not be possible without the tireless efforts and countless hours of service our nearly four million members have given to champion Second Amendment rights and support NRA programs."
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Don't Worry! Be happy!
- Write out a quick list of what you are grateful for at the end of every day.
Everyday...I'm grateful for my family and to be alive! - Try to share what made you happy on a given day with close friends and family.
Rum & Tonic! - Surround yourself with the color blue.
It's called my 1990 XJS Convertible in powder blue! - Fit meditation into your schedule.
I meditate about money! - Spend your money on others.
AKA...your kids! - Devise a workout schedule, even if it is only something quick.
I live in a 3 story townhouse. Enough said! - Make sure you’re living in the moment.
(see response to #1)! - Make sure to stay plenty hydrated.
(see response to #2) - Get a good night’s rest.
(see response to #2) - Treat yourself to time outside.
With today's windchill factor, it was 9 degrees out side! - Set yourself achievable goals.
(see response to #1...aka Be Alive!) - Try your best to smile.
(see response to #2) - Listen to your favorite upbeat songs.
"Don't Worry...be Happy!" Thank you Bob Marley! - And finally, spend less time on Facebook.
I ain't on Facebook! I'm here!
Friday, November 22, 2013
The Day America Lost its Innocence
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Historic Level of Obstruction by the Rethuglicans
July 17 - Head of Consumer Watchdog confirmed after a two year battle.
Oct 31 - Mel Watt becomes the first sitting member of congress to be denied confirmation since the Civil War!
Oct 31 thru Nov 18 - All 3 DC court of appeals nominees blocked!
Source: The Washington Post
Why all this obstruction by the Rethuglicans and Teabagistan?
Here's why!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Pipcorn is still Poppin'!
"One of my favorite snacks is popcorn sprinkled with truffle oil, so I'm thrilled that Sabatino has created this dream kit. It contains Pipcorn (hulless popcorn, one of last year's Favorite Things), black and white truffle oils, and truffle salt."
Check out Pipcorn at this years' Oprah's Favorite Things!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Veterans Day
UCLA Operation Mend
Healing the wounds of war! Donate here!
Operation Mend started with facial reconstruction. The program has since expanded in order to optimize healing-body, mind, and spirit. In addition to plastic and reconstructive surgery, mental-health support (for warriors and their families), orthopaedic reconstruction for severely damaged limbs, urologic treatment, otolaryngological care, the examination and treatment of reproductive issues, repair of airways, and design of new prosthetic ears are provided.
Stand Up for Heroes!
Donate at the Bob Woodruff Foundation
Injured vets and their families face unique challenges that require innovative solutions. Finding counseling, a job, or just new meaning and purpose.
1% of American citizens serve in the military. But 99% benefit. Our cause is bigger than politics. It’s about helping veterans and their families return home to a community and nation fully prepared to help them. Not just today, or tomorrow, but for the long haul. Just 1% serves. It’s time to repay that loyalty. It’s time to stand up for our heroes.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Out of the mouths of babes....
You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. Alan, age 10
No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. Kristen, age 10
Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then. Camille, age 10
You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. Derrick, age 8
Both don't want any more kids. Lori, age 8
When they're rich. Pam, age 7
The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with that. Curt, age 7
The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do. Howard, age 8
It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. Anita, age 9
There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? Kelvin, age 8
And the #1 Favorite is........
Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck. Ricky, age 10
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Rafael Cruz: Evolution Is A Communist Lie
This is Ted Cruz's dad! The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Once a cook! Now a Chef!
Iced praline and white chocolate parfait, tempura fig beignet, cardamom and port syrup.
Grilled pineapple, yogurt crackle ice cream, black pepper and pine nut tuille, aged balsamic, toasted pine nuts.
Hope to visit my "chef" son-in-law and my daughter in London next spring and I will make sure that he has these on the table!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Taking Flight! & Ripping you off!
ps...I don't check bags!
The Old Homestead!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Stress can kill you! It almost did!
- In 2003 my contract with a former Fortune 50 company was unexpectedly terminated a few weeks after I was diagnosed with cancer!
- From 2003 thru 2010 I had a few engagements/jobs I hated!   I did enjoy one...but all the rest....I just couldn't handle the politics and the bullsh*t!
- At the end of 2009, my 401K was less than half of what it was in 2005 and I'm talking big bucks people!
- Our current residence, back then, was valued at much less than what we paid for it.
- In 2010, we had to do a "short sale" on our planned retirement condo/home in Florida. I/we lost more big bucks...almost 2/3rds of what we orignally paid for it!
- My stomach's cancer resurrected itself in 2012.
- There's a whole lotta sh*t that I can go on forever about...but...
Friday, October 18, 2013
Feet...meet ocean!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Bridegroom - An American Love Story
Here's the original YouTube video that started a Kickstarter campaign and made this happen! As you can see, this has had over 4 million views.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Financial Illiteracy in America!
Even if we grade on a very generous curve, many Americans flunk when it comes to financial literacy. Consider this three-item quiz:
- Suppose you had $100 in a savings account and the interest rate was 2 percent a year. After five years, how much do you think you would have if you left the money to grow? More than $102, exactly $102 or less than $102?
- Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account was 1 percent a year and that inflation was 2 percent. After one year, would you be able to buy more than, the same as or less than you could today with the money?
- Do you think this statement is true or false: “Buying a single company stock usually provides a safer return than a stock mutual fund”?
More of this must read article is here at the N.Y Times!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
The P.O.T.U.S. is a NIGGER!
- He was born in Kenya! Just ask Donald Trump!
- He's a Muslim!
- He's a liar! Just ask Joe Wilson!
- He's a nigger! (not a niggah...but a NIGGER)!
Did I mention he was the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! Forget the fact the he's actually bi-racial. Did I mention that Mitch McConnell's primary mission was to ensure that President Obama would serve only one term! This is a man who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize! In spite of all of that, one fact remains. In the eyes of too many American Teabaggers and Rethuglicans...he's still just a nigger! Sorry Oprah...but it is what it is!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The "Shutdown" according to Bachmann!
Source: The Daily Banter
Sarah Palin (V.P. Candidate) & the "shutdown"!
The President is treating our veterans the same way he treated school kids when he cancelled their White House tours. When times called for obvious government belt-tightening, he took it out on kids rather than look for anything that would affect him personally. And while our vets are barricaded from the memorial they built with their heroism, the government 'slim down' won’t affect Obama’s golf game or his family’s White House chefs."
Source: Mrs. Palin's Facebook page
47% of Americans that voted in 2008 thought that this woman was qualified (and worthy) to be the Vice President of the United States of America! A heartbeat away from the presidency! That alone scares the sh*t out of me! I just don't get it and I never will!
Monday, September 30, 2013
I'm shutting down!
I think we all need to SHUTDOWN at midnight and see where that takes us! Ted Cruz gets $174K! You gotta be kidding me!
A dream of Congress in the future
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Awesome Political Ad!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Mr. De Blasio - some demographics!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Four Little Girls...
At a memorial service for the girls, three days after the blast, Martin Luther King Jr., said, “These children — unoffending, innocent, and beautiful — were the victims of one of the most vicious and tragic crimes ever perpetrated against humanity.”
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Friday, September 6, 2013
Syria...Assad, The Rebels and the US of A!
Meanwhile...the Syrian rebels are executing Syrian soldiers! Dear President Obama,
You know I'm a really big fan of yours! I love you...but I hate this!
- Is this an International crisis or a civil war? Sounds like a civil war to me?
- Is Syria an enemy of the U.S? An ENEMY?
- What threat is there to the United States?
- Why is this America's crusade/issue?
- Is Assad a wacko? Absolutely!
- Where is NATO on this? Or the U.N. or all the other coalitions on this?
- The Brits & the Germans said no thanks!
- What is a "strategic strike?" Please define!
- What is the goal of such a strike? Get rid of Assad? Regime change (aka...Democracy)? No thanks!
- How do we (America) plan to achieve that goal?
- How long will this "strategic strike" last?
- What is the end game AFTER this "strategic strike"?
- How much is it gonna cost? I've got plenty of other ideas/suggestions on how we can use that money here in America!
- If Boehner, Cantor, McCain and the other Rethuglicans are for this...then I'm against it! Aren't these the same clowns belly-aching about the deficit? Like I said...how much is this gonna cost?
This is somewhat similar to my original recommendation for Afghanistan!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Progressive? No! You Flo? Where she be at!
Here's another one that really ticks me off!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
His name is Romell & he is my grandson!
Much luv...Mima & Dude!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Reach out and touch someone!
Photographer: Richard Rinaldi
"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job!"
Monday, August 19, 2013
Adam & Eve and Cain & Abel and Mrs. Cain?

Consider the following excerpt from the trial record as Darrow interrogates Bryan:
Q - Did you ever discover where Cain got his wife?
A - No, sir; I leave the agnostics to hunt for her.
Q - You have never found out?
A - I have never tried to find.
Q - You have never tried to find?
A - No.
Q - The Bible says he got one doesn’t it? Were there other people on the earth at that time?
A - I cannot say.
Q - You cannot say. Did that ever enter your consideration?
A - Never bothered me.
Q - There were no others recorded, but Cain got a wife.
A - That is what the Bible says.
Q - Where she came from you do not know?
As you well know, Cain killed Abel! So I thought it was just the three of them left...Adam, Eve & Cain. No?
Sunday, August 18, 2013
RNC Rethuglicans versus CNN & NBC
The resolution, which passed unanimously during the RNC's summer meeting in Boston, marked the culmination of weeks of threats from party chairman Reince Priebus, who wrote a letter to NBC and CNN earlier this month deriding the planned films as a "thinly veiled attempt at putting a thumb on the scale of the 2016 presidential election."
Source: CBS News
Rethuglicans have ZERO health care ideas!
Former House Speaker and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich reprimanded his fellow Republicans in unusually harsh terms Wednesday, blaming GOP members of Congress for developing "zero" alternatives to President Obama's health care reform law.
"I will bet you, for most of you, you go home in the next two weeks when your members of Congress are home, and you look them in the eye and you say, 'What is your positive replacement for Obamacare?' They will have zero answer," Gingrich said.
"We are caught up right now in a culture, and you see it every single day, where as long as we are negative and as long as we are vicious and as long as we can tear down our opponent, we don't have to learn anything," Gingrich said, acknowledging the "totally candid" nature of his remarks. "We have to do the homework."
More at CNN.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Trayvon - Happiness, Adventure & Experience Denied!
Man, I'm just glad I had a Mom who gave me the realness from a young age. I can remember thinking she was so stuck in the past for telling me that I couldn't do or say or wear certain things, that I could not stay out as late as my white friends could, that I could not "experiment" with any of the things my white friends did. I struggled so much with her for trying to impress upon me the fact that I was different. Because I'm supposed to be. I lived in a nice house, spoke more than one language, was well educated and well socialized and I did not understand why I needed to constantly act in a manner designed to disarm another person's suspicions about me.
But wow, I get it now. Every black kid has that moment where he has to decide to accept the armor that his parents present to him to get through life as an American black male, or walk around naked. And the crazy part is, it’s probably something most people outside of the black community never see. I can remember my Mom talking to me over and over and over again about what to do and who to call if I was ever picked up by a police officer. She made sure I knew that I needed to declare that I was exercising my Miranda rights rather simply evoke them without notice. If you were in New Jersey your Mom probably made you take a WHOLE FREAKING CLASS on how to deal with police officers and other people who were perceived to be threatening.
And I say that to say that as scary as people think black males are, black males are conditioned to be ten times more afraid of everyone else. We’re conditioned to be afraid of going to certain parts of the country, afraid of people with certain political view, afraid of police officers, and sometimes even afraid of other black and Latino males. The most sickening thing about this whole trial has been the deliberate campaign to rob Trayvon of his right to be afraid. I know I would have been.
And I owe her the deepest of apologies for all of the times that I accused her of overacting or impressing a vision of a society long since passed on the one that exists today.
It doesn’t matter how well traveled you are or how many languages you speak or where you went to school. It doesn’t matter how many friends you have or how much good you’ve done in the world. From afar we are all the same.
It used to hurt when my mother would tell me I couldn’t put my hood up or that I couldn’t stay out as late as my white friends. She told me I was a young black male and I couldn’t afford these things and I figured she never knew how much it hurt for be to know that she did not have faith that I could transcend the many stereotypes that swirl around me and be seen as an individual.
But when I think about my own Mother having to come down the police station, and identify my naked body and come home and go in my room that would feel strangely empty. She would have to walk past my favorite custom built aquarium and the framed boards my class in Japan made for me on my last day of study abroad, she would have to open my closet and go through all of the clothes I would never wear again and find my favorite suit and then walk out of a room where every object holds a memory.
She would have to go on interviews and meet with lawyers and try to be strong in the face of unimaginable tragedy. While people picked apart my character and found every Facebook status where I cursed or every stupid picture I was ever captured in. She would have to sit in court and dignify people who sought to put me in the ground with not a shred of justice with her presence and her silence. And then on top of that, after a year of pain, to hear from 6 other mothers that my life meant nothing...
And the thought that after 24 hours of labor, thousands of dollars on tuition and extra curriculum and trips and summer activities, and millions of tiny sacrifices that she could be left with the dust of my memory and the guilt of having not prepared me for this thing called America.
I joke about it, but I know how much I mean to her. Before I go parasailing I think about her, and before I jump in the ocean I think about her, and when I had tigers crawling all over me and licking my face I was thinking about her. But I did those things because I knew that even if I got poisoned by a cobra or mauled by a tiger, I know it would have been hard.......but she would have derived comfort from knowing that I died pursuing happiness, adventure, and experiences that are worth their risks.
But I know that she would never ever be able to recover from knowing that I died the way that Trayvon died. And so I understand so well why she taught me to think about the world in the way that I do. To remember how to love life, be open to others, but to always remember who I am and to be so secure in who I am, that I accept that I must constantly think and behave with consideration for that one person who might think they already know.
I have fought with my Mom, Dad, and Stepdad about what it means to be a young black man in 2013. And I have at times been annoyed at all of them for presenting me with my constraints. But I am so lucky to have been armed with the truth at such and early age. The world can be so confusing for us. So much kindness and then so much cruelty. We've all accused our parents of over estimating the dangers out there. But they managed to teach us not to allow this country to fill us with fear, while simultaneously not allowing it to rob us of our vigilance. Shout-out to all of the parents out there, giving that extra course on how to keep your children from being victimized in a society that does not believe that they can be victims.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
The dickHead of the Republican Party!
More at Think Progress!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
The Crackpot Club...Pat Robertson & Bryan Fischer!
Then there is wack job Mr. Robertson! It is estimated that Mr. Robertson and his "700 Club" on the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) may have up to 1 million viewers!
But the few of you that follow my rant here on the blog-o-sphere already know that!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Blacks in America? An interesting perspective.
One form of racial privilege in this country that we don't pay attention to is:
To be white in this country is to have access to the privilege of innocence. To have your right to say I'm a human being.
To be black is to have to prove it. You have the burden of proof that you have a right to your innocence. And there is something fundamentally wrong with that."
Source: Dr. Kahlil Gibran Muhammad commenting on the Trayvon Martin case as broadcasted on the local ABC program "Here and Now".
Dr. Muhammad is Director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, The New York Public Library. He is a former professor of African-American history at Indiana University.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Happy Birthday Royal Baby & Me!
You couldn't have arrived on a better day! Say Happy Birthday to me!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Cherrios...There is hope in the future!
Happy Birthday Mr. Mandela!
O.J. Zimmermann and the state of Florida?
Then there are these 7 Mind Blowing Moments from Zimmerman Juror B37′s first interview with Anderson Cooper!
- Martin was responsible for his own death.
- Juror felt just as sorry for Zimmerman.
- Zimmerman should continue to serve as a neighborhood watchman because he has learned his lesson about going too far.
- Verdict hinged on “Stand Your Ground” law, even though Zimmerman did not use it in his defense.
- Zimmerman was only guilty of using poor judgment and was “egged” on to follow Martin by the 9/11 operator.
- Race played absolutely no factor in Zimmerman’s profiling of Martin.
- Zimmerman’s history of reporting black men to the police and his decision to follow Martin played no role in the verdict.
“We, the undersigned jurors, understand there is a great deal of interest in this case. But we ask you to remember that we are not public officials and we did not invite this type of attention into our lives," the jurors wrote.
"We also wish to point out that the opinions of Juror B37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show, were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below."
Sunday, July 14, 2013
O.J. Zimmermann!
Self-defense? Self-defense assumes there was an aggressor present. There was and his name is George Zimmermann...NOT Trayvon Martin. O.J. got out of the car and pursued Trayvon. The police told O.J. to stay in the car. He didn't!
"F*cking punks! These assholes, they always get away"! The details of what actually happened after that, no one knows, except Trayvon Martin and he is dead!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Here's where your 10% tithing goes!
Tithing is an Old Testament concept. The tithe was a requirement of the law in which all Israelites were to give 10 percent of everything they earned and grew to the Tabernacle/Temple.
In fact, the Old Testament Law required multiple tithes which would have pushed the total to around 23.3 percent, not the 10 percent which is generally considered the tithe amount today. Some understand the Old Testament tithe as a method of taxation to provide for the needs of the priests and Levites in the sacrificial system. The New Testament nowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system.
The New Testament nowhere designates a percentage of income a person should set aside, but only says it is to be “in keeping with income” (1 Corinthians 16:2). Some in the Christian church have taken the 10 percent figure from the Old Testament tithe and applied it as a “recommended minimum” for Christians in their giving.
More details here for you 10 percenters!
ps. Some "Christian" groups are already urging a boycott!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy 4th of July!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
It's not just what you say...it's how you say it!
Then again...there's this old saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything at all!" Again...just shut the f*ck up!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Dean & Deluca is doin' da' Pipcorn!
"This all-natural, preservative-free, hulless popcorn is popped in small batches with olive oil and seasoned by hand. Because the popcorn has virtually no hulls it has a delicate crunch, is easy to digest, kind to the teeth, and is a trendy spin on a traditional favorite. An artisan wooden crate comes filled with four fabulous flavors: Sea Salt Pipcorn, Signature Rosemary Pipcorn, Sweet and Salty Pipcorn, seaside spicy-ish Crabby Pipcorn."
Take it from me...it's awesome! Rosemary is my favorite!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Chicken, Race & Racism in America!
- 4 large skinless boneless chicken breasts
- 4 tablespoons butter, melted, plus more for casserole
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 6 ounces (about 8 slices) Swiss cheese
- 1 (10 3/4-ounce) can condensed cream of chicken soup
- 1/4 cup white wine
- 1 cup herb-flavored stuffing mix, crushed
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
- Add the chicken to a shallow buttered casserole and season with salt and pepper, to taste.
- Layer the cheese slices on top.
- In a medium bowl, add the soup and the wine, season with salt and pepper and pour over the cheese.
- Sprinkle stuffing mix on top and drizzle with melted butter.
- Bake for 45 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve.