Saturday, March 5, 2011

Christians should be allowed to bully gays!

As the Kentucky state senate considers legislation addressing anti-gay bullying in schools, one senator wants to amend the measure to say it’s OK for students to state that homosexuality is a sin — and to allow the possession of firearms in school!

Mike Harmon, a Republican, has filed an amendment saying students would be allowed to express religious beliefs against homosexuality as long as their actions do not include physical harm or destruction of property.

“If someone, just in conversation, said, ‘You know, I think homosexuality is a sin,’ well, we don’t want that child to be bullied because they have a certain moral or religious belief,” he said. “And we don’t want them, certainly don’t want them to be labeled a bully just because they have that particular belief.”

He also has filed an amendment that would allow gun owners with concealed weapons permits to carry the weapons on public campuses and keep guns in their vehicles on school property.

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