(Personally...I don't know if it should have been health care...I don't even know what's in it...and 2000 pages is a bit much!)

But...when you look at all the turds "W" left behind...it's more than overwhelming. I still believe President Obama is a man of change...and history will reflect that. He promised change...and I believe he will deliver on his promise against insurmountable odds. It can't happen in 11 months...but it WILL happen!
Below...in no particular order, is what this man has inherited and is being hounded about.
- The Economy (Deficit)
- Afghanistan ("W" started this...and...I'm not in favor of war of any kind!)
- Iraq (aka...weapons of mass destruction???)
- Unemployment
- Climate Change (I gotta get to the Maldives...real soon!)
- DADT (Don't Ask Don't Tell...America...get over it!)
- North Korea
- Iran
- and...it goes on and on!!!
To all you doubting Thomases...I say he's been stepping in the turds for 11 months! The previous occupant was there for 8 years...and what did he ("W") achieve for America? What? If you have an answer...please let me know!