Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sam Tsui & Kurt Schneider
I'm addicted...and I've already viewed several of their YouTube videos. Don't believe me? Check this one out! Beyonce's "Halo"!
These Yale students are going places! You haven't heard the last of them. Trust me on this!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I gotta feelin'...Joy Rising!
Wow! Wish I could have been there!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
All I Really Need to Know...
This is the title of one of my all time favorite reads (aside from "Hold Love Strong"!). My oldest daughter recommended it to me several years ago. You could almost say it's my bible. I just checked and see that the author, Robert Fulghum, has a 15th Anniversary Edition as well as several other books. Given how impressed I am with "Kindergarten", I can't wait to read ALL the rest!
Here's a partial list of all you need to know...according to Fulghum (so true!):
- Share everything
- Play fair
- Don't hit people
- Put things back where you found them
- Clean up your own mess
- Don't take things that don't belong to you
- Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody
- Wash your hands before you eat
- Flush!
- Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you
- When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Balloon Boy!
I saw this story last Thursday (if you live in America you couldn't miss it). Weather balloon gets away...and supposedly there's a 6 year old in side. When I 1st saw...I distraught the parents must be and switched channels! Later that evening...I hear the kid was not in the balloon but reappeared from the family's attic! Great! Go to Bed!
I wake up the next morning and every TV station in America is interviewing this family! NBC's Today Show interviewed the family at the top of the hour for almost 20 minutes!!!
Have we lost our marbles. We're into two wars; there's the Israeli-Palestinian situation, the whackos in Iran & North Korea, hundreds of kids dying around the world every day, the economy & health care...and American TV devotes all this time to this story?
Forget that this was a hoax! The fact that the "news" media know the American public will watch this crap...which is true...and at the same very discomforting!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Republicans in Congress!
More about each of them in future posts!
- Joe Wilson - South Carolina
- Louie Gohmert - Texas
- Mark Kirk - Illinois
- John Shimkus - Illinois
- Michele Bachmann - Minnesota
- Randy Forbes - Virginia
- Bill Sali - Idaho
- Steve King - Iowa
- Lynn Westmoreland - Georgia
- Lynn Jenkins - Kansas
- Virginia Foxx - Virginia
- Stever Buyer - Indiana
- Trent Franks - Georgia
Friday, October 16, 2009
Myers-Briggs...Personality Test...INFP
Here's a piece of my personality assessment...INPF!
"Usually gentle and kind, they are intense and passionate about their values and deeply held beliefs, which they share with trusted friends. Because of their discreet manner, their enthusiasm may not be apparent. They are sensitive to others' pain, restlessness or general discomfort and strive to find happiness, balance and wholeness for themselves in order to help others find joy, satisfaction and plenitude. They are deeply empathetic."
I'm good with that!
National Assocation of Free Clinics
No medical insurance???
Free clinics are volunteer-based, safety-net health care organizations that provide a range of medical, dental, pharmacy, and/or behavioral health services to economically disadvantaged individuals who are predominately uninsured.
Locate a Free Clinic in your area.
- Keith Olbermann of MSNBC recently donated $50,000!
- Michael Baisden (radio talk show/DJ) also donated $20,000!
- My best friend (JW) donated...and so did I.
Please help...and give what you can (as little as $10) help those without medical insurance!
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Noble Peace Prize!
Already there are those questioning why President Obama? What has he accomplished to garner this prestigious award? If you're one of those...I give you the words of Matthew of "Hold Love Strong."
Matthew is an incredible young man...if you haven't bought/read his are doing yourself a disservice!
Here is the entry from Matthew's blog!

I speak of this from a very personal perspective. In writing Hold Love Strong, and after working in egregiously disadvantaged conditions of the worst of New York City’s public school programs and with men and women returning home from prison for nearly a decade, and after spending close to eight years working on a novel highlighting the conditions of the aforementioned peoples’ lives in an effort to understand, to communicate, and to spur action in the name of their plight, and in an effort to prove that we, as human beings, have the capacity to understand each other far beyond what we accept, the novel has been treated by numerous authors, artists, so called liberal educated men and women in a manner that amounts to foolish prejudice and shallow, forsaken pride. I can’t tell you how many people I have reached out to that have not responded with even a brief email; and I can’t express how disappointed I was when recently I was told that a certain head of a large, progressive nonprofit did not wish to meet with me because, without reading a single word of Hold Love Strong, he was offended that I wrote such a book. In addition, a friend recently shared with me a blog run by an ivy league educated, liberal woman that said I should stick to writing about myself and what I know as if the last decade of my life, the people I know and love and who I have little doubt know and love me, are insignificant and thus not apart of my personal development and foundation.
Perhaps I am naïve, but I believe that the purpose of writing, the purpose of having a voice, of speaking out—be one a leader or a humble member of a larger chorus like myself—is that of citizenship to the utmost and most honorable degree: not self-promotion but the promotion of us. Thus, I am proud that the Nobel Peace Prize went to Barack Obama. It is deserved for it supports the efforts of each of us who continue to believe in our ability to overcome preconceived differences and the rhetoric of limited, self-obsessed thinking. Today is a day that not only recognizes and celebrates Barack Obama, but it is also a day that celebrates us: naïve, eager and idealistic as we are. To the rest of the world, well…. please join us in the 21st century where it is not too hot, and the breeze is cool.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Where I've been!
Here it is in a nutshell...major milestones/impacts on a boomer's journey through life!
- 1339 Prospect Avenue (DAyton 8-6615) - my childhood & teenage the South apartment # 4B!
- My Mom..."Tip Toe through the Tulips!" Look up the word Mom in the dictionary...
- My Grandfather...a man before his time!
- St. Augustine's Church - it's influence on me.
- Camp Bohatom - an innocence of youth?...and total escapism!
- Junior High School #127 - Castle Hill Avenue - Totally Alone!
- James Monroe High School - The United Nations of the Bronx!
- Dubuque, Iowa - How did a kid from the South Bronx...wind up in Dubuque, Iowa.
- The University of experience I'll never forget!
- were taken away...too young...too soon!
- Corporate America - An Introduction!
- Uncle Sam Wants You! - Why Me?
- Bachelorhood! - Whatever that means!
- Marriage - Wow!
- Fatherhood - Wow Again!
- More Corporate America.
- Tokyo Japan! - How did a kid from the South Bronx wind up in Tokyo, Japan?
- Pete...I miss you more than you'll ever know!
- Back to American Reality & Corporate America
- You can't keep them on the Farm...where do we relocate?
- Where are we now...and who gives a crap!
- A daughter is a daughter...
- A grandson! Wow!
- Places to see before you die! Aka...the bucket list!
- Whatever else comes to mind...we'll see!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Meet Your Ancestor!
Yesterday, scientists told the world what they know about Ardipithecus ramidus..."Ardi" for short...the oldest pre-human species yet found. Ardi lived 4.4 million years ago in what is now Ethiopia.
A partial skeleton is believed to be the oldest link in the evolutionary chain!
Adri is not the long-sought "missing link"... the ancestor that scientists say humans and apes have in common...but comes close. And it helps show that both human beings and apes have evolved from something, about six million years ago, that did not look much like either!