On January 20, 2009 Republican Leaders in Congress literally plotted to sabotage and undermine U.S. Economy during President Obama's Inauguration. During their four hour meeting, these senior GOP members plotted to bring Congress to a standstill regardless how much it would hurt the American Economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on
all legislation.
In Robert Draper's book, "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives" Draper wrote that during this four hour, "invitation only" meeting with GOP Hate-Propaganda Minister, Frank Luntz, the below listed Senior GOP Law Writers literally plotted to sabotage, undermine and destroy America's Economy.
The Guest List:
- Frank Luntz - GOP Minister of Propaganda
- Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) Vice Presidential candidiate
- Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) House Majority Leader
- Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) House Majority Whip
- Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX)
- Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)
- Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
- Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA)
- Sen. Jim DeMint (R- SC) Teabagger!
- Sen. Jon Kyl (R- AZ) Senate Minority Whip
- Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK)
- Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) resigned over an ethics violation!
- Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN)
Non-lawmakers present...Newt Gingrich!
These Republican members of Congress were not simply airing their complaints regarding the other party's political platform for four long hours. No, these Republican Congressional Policymakers, who were elected to do 'the People's work' were literally plotting to sabotage, undermine and destroy the U.S. Economy.
Newt Gingrich proclaimed, “You will remember this day. You’ll remember this as the day the seeds of 2012 were sown.” Remember...Mr. Gingrich proclaimed this on the eve of President Obama’s inauguration and these same Republican members of Congress supported the very Bush/Cheney policies that caused America to teeter on the brink of the 2nd Great Depression and caused the 2007 US Economic Meltdown.
Here's how they all voted:
- "Yes" to Bush/Cheney January 2008 Stimulus
- "Yes" to Bush/Cheney bailing out Bear Stern
- "Yes" to Bush/Cheney bailing out AIG
- "Yes" to Bush/Cheney TARP (Sept 2008)
- "Yes" to Bush/Cheney TARP (Oct 2008)
And these same Republican members of Congress:
- Supported Bush/Cheney keeping cost of two wars out of the Budget and on credit cards!
- Supported Bush/Cheney spending $4 trillion while giving Top 1% Tax Cuts; ignoring the fact that taxes pay for wars.
Not only did these Senior members of Congress plot to destroy the American Economy more than it already was destroyed…they actually carried out their mission. Every one of these senior members of Congress have threatened Government Shutdown over things like:
- Funding planned parenthood
- Raising the Debt Ceiling which, in-and-of-itself, would cause US Economic turmoil
- still threatening a Government Shutdown over the Debt Ceiling.
Last year, during the Debt Ceiling negotiations, Eric Cantor and Sen. Jon Kyl abruptly walked out of negotiations and refused to renew discussions with Democrats. As a result, America's credit rating was lowered which put a smile on Republican's faces.
Senators: Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl, Tom Coburn, John Ensign, and Bob Corker have:
Filibustered more Bills (over 300) than any Congress combined in US History.
Voted NO on every single piece of Legislation brought to the Floor including:
- NO on Al Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment,
- NO on Lilly Ledbetter,
- NO on Fair Pay Act,
- NO on Anti-Outsourcing Bill (2010)