You gave us this lyin' f*ckin' *sshole to be the President of the United States of America!!! R U f*ckin' kiddin' me???

Americans wanted Hillary Clinton to be the future POTUS (by damn near 3 million votes)!, but the Electoral college decided otherwise!
From CNN!
And then you took too many of these beautiful lives away from us!
Did I mention that "Black Lives Matter"?
Oh...and BTW...Blue Lives matter too!
Then of course there was/is Aleppo! Aleppo!
And the Pulse Massacre!
And...These two dudes were planning to get married but, their lives were taken too soon by this *sshole!!
And then there were the Charleston Killings!
And all the other terrorist sh*t " that happened this year!
Did I mention President-Elect Orangutan?
I've just scratched the surface here! Truthfully, I'm scared as sh*t and don't know if I can take any more of this sh*t next year!
Good bye 2016 and good f*ckin' riddance!
Peace & Love!