A few days ago... "President Obama is not a Muslim. I’m taking his word that he is a Christian. But here’s where it falls apart for many Americans: It’s a Christianity that most Americans just don’t recognize."
"I don’t know what that is, other than he’s not Muslim, he’s not Christian. He’s a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ as most Christians know it." August 17th, 2010 "There are so many things that this administration has done that I think will go down in history as ... it's going to go down in history as the most corrupt administration ever,"
August 17th, 2010 President Obama wants to rescind a Bush-era regulation so that "doctors can't refuse to" perform abortions. July 28th Obama has "over and over again" exposed himself as "a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture. I don't know what it is..."
May 28, 2010 Glenn Beck, who repeatedly and angrily tells his alleged persecutors to "leave the families alone," spent a good chunk of his radio program this morning mocking and attacking the intelligence of President Obama's 11-year-old daughter, Malia. May 28,2010 On Michelle Obama's dress...(State Dinner for Mexico's President) "She looks positively like she's trying to be some Greek statue," he said. "I don't think I've ever seen the first lady with her, excuse the expression, but with her breasts all smushed up. What is that? Did you even see that picture? I mean that, that's . . . what is that?"
April 9th, 2010 on the next Supreme court nominee... If he's smart he will find a gay, handicapped Black woman who's an immigrant, because that way he could just say, when...She could be the Devil! She could say 'I hate America. I want to destroy America.' And that way they'll only be able to say 'Why do you hate gay immigrant Black handicapped women? Why do you...hate that?”
April 7th, 2010 “His parents seemed to place radical politics over everything else, including their little boy,” said Beck. “How many of us have been abandoned for a Marxist political theory or politics? This didn’t happen to little Barack Obama once, but twice, by both parents.
46% of the Republican party believe President Obama is a Muslim!
CNN Poll on the President's birthplace: Do you think Barack Obama was definitely born in the United States, probably born in the United States, probably born in another country, or definitely born in another country? The responses below are for the 1,081 Americans polled.
42% - Definitely born in U.S.
29% - Probably born in the U.S.
16% - Probably born in another country
11% - Definitely born in another country
2% - No opinion
27% of the 285 Republicans included in the poll, believe the President was probably born in another country!
(Interviews were conducted with 1,018 adult Americans,including 335 Democrats, 398 Independents, and 285 Republicans, nducted by telephone by Opinion Research Corporation on July 16-21, 2010. The margin of sampling error for results based on the total sample is plus or minus 3 percentage points.)
I really don’t think Mrs. Brown fully understood the impact she had on so many lives. She was so much more than a wife and the mother of two…her sons…Johnnie & Jerry. She was the matriarch of a building; of a block; of a neighborhood; of an extended family.
The Brown’s apartment at 1070 Stebbins Avenue (in the Bronx) was a home to so many of us in our formulative years. The door was always open…and the welcome mat out. There was always activity there or, if nothing else, something was always cooking on the stove (the latter of which she freely offered to anyone who walked through the door). Sure…she cursed you out about eating up her food…but a few minutes later…she’d ask you if you had enough to eat…or wanted more. Her potato salad will go down in history.
Little did she know that she made her home a sanctuary to so many of us young folks…way back then…about 50 or so years ago. She understood us! She allowed us to be us…but we knew the boundaries. She provided us with a sense of freedom…of comfort…and last… but not least…of respect. It’s hard to explain…unless you were there. And if you were there…you knew.
I wish I had a picture of all of us…more than a dozen teenagers…packed in the Brown’s living room at 1070 looking at that first episode of Star Trek on the first and only color TV in the neighborhood. It became a weekly tradition. And yes…there were pots of good eatins’ on the stove! More complaining and cussin’, but we knew she loved us! Not only did good food come out of that kitchen, but many of us sat shoulder-to-shoulder around that kitchen table during our legendary games of blackjack. Again…if you were there…you would know what I mean!
Early, in our teenage years, we experienced a tragic death. He was another teenager, someone very close to many of us. Where did we find comfort and solace? It was at 1070 with Mrs. Brown of course. We were all in that apartment that day…dozens of us. She knew. She understood. She comforted us through our loss. It was typical of Mrs. Brown.
We loved her for the person she was. She told it like it was. She didn’t mince her words and didn’t hold back anything! She affectionately referred to some youngsters that she caught misbehaving as knuckleheads. She referred to some of us older folks in words unique to Mrs. Brown. But above all…she knew right from wrong. She helped make us who we are. She had a heart of gold. We loved her for who she was!
So Mrs. Brown, Aunt Merc, Mercedes, Ma!…you are gone…but you will never ever be forgotten. You touched so many lives and we are all left with many fond and cherished memories. You had a good long run…93 years! We know that death is inevitable. However, it’s hard to accept. We just took for granted that you’d be here with us forever…but, you know what? You will! See you again Mrs. Brown…on the other side!
Thanks to Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times for his insightful synopsis of who’s doing what to whom in Central Asia and its impact on America. It's brilliant! Read the full article here.
The 911 terrorist attack was planned, executed and funded by radical Pakistanis and Saudis.
We invaded Iraq & Afghanistan because Pakistan has nukes that we fear and Saudi Arabia has oil that we crave!
The Pakistani Army is obsessed with what it says is the threat from India.
The absence of either a stable democracy in Pakistan or a decent public education system only swells the ranks on the Taliban.
Pakistan thinks it must control Afghanistan because if India controlled Afghanistan, Pakistan would be wedged between the two!
Saudi Arabia is built around a ruling bargain between the moderate al-Saud family and the Wahhabi fundamentalist establishment
The al-Sauds get to rule and the Wahhabis get to impose on their society the most puritanical Islam – and export it to mosques and schools across the Muslim world…including Pakistan with money earned by selling oil to America!
We pay Pakistan to help us in Afghanistan even though we know some of that money is killing our own soldiers because we fear that just leaving could lead to Pakistan’s Islamists controlling its bomb.
We send Saudi Arabia money for oil, even though we know that some it ends up financing the very people we are fighting, because fighting the Saudis over their ideological exports seems too destabilizing!