No doubt about a vile and ugly word...but it is...what it is! Check out any dictionary...and you'll find it! Quite honestly, I'd prefer to abolish the use of the phrase the "N Word" and insist on using "Nigger"! I know this will go against the grain of (aka...piss off) many Black...African-American...Negro...Colored folks...but so be it!
Why Nigger?
Imagine the impact if the American/World news media would have reported that the so called "tea baggers" called John Lewis (a Civil Rights icon) a Nigger instead reported, they (the tea baggers), called him the "N Word"! Again...who's kidding who?
Had these same reporters stated that these "tea baggers" yelled out the word "Nigger" it would have driven a spike through many (but not all) American hearts. It would have underscored a message to the world that in spite of the fact that we have elected a black (African-American, Negro, colored) President / Commander-in-Chief...he is still considered a Nigger (and other repulsive identities/associations) by more than enough Americans.

Let's call a spade a spade! (no pun intended)
When the American media refers to the "N Word" everyone says to themselves...oh...they really mean Nigger...but they can't say Nigger...they have to use the "N Word" instead. Sorry Oprah and Dr. Cosby...but it is...what it is!
The good...the bad...and the ugly!
The Ugly
Like I said...the word Nigger is vile. It's ugly. It's disgusting. It conjures up painful memories! History speaks for itself!

The Bad
Hip Hop...duh! Quite honestly...I'm not its biggest fan...but I'll admit, most do carry powerful messages. Since this genre of music is consumed by a worldwide audience, and the word Nigger is often used in the lyrics...doesn't make me a happy camper because it assumes that its use is carte blanche for everyone else to use! Aka...if the rappers can use it...why can't I (regardless of race)
The Good
Within the Black (African-American, Negro, colored) community it is often used as a term of endearment. My best friend is an Irish-American Catholic...but he's my main nigga! And I tell him that! Sorry Oprah!
I have yet to locate a definition of "N Word" in any dictionary!