Cayman Islands...a beautiful place...unbelievably clear ice blue Caribbean water. I had the good fortune to vacation there...but I don't have an "offshore" account there! I also had the good fortune to visit Zermatt, Switzerland too...but I don't have a Swiss account either! I pay about 28% to 33% in income taxes (depending on any given year) from earned income! You're a multimilionare and pay 13 to 14% on capital gains? I really don't think that's fair. By the did you amass over $100 Million in a 401K when the maximum yearly contribution for the rest of America is a contribution of $30K per year??? I'm confused...and I need answers.
I'm not complaining about your wealth. I think it's awesome and I firmly believe that America is the land of opportunity. But...between the (non) release of your taxes; Cayman Islands and Swiss Bank the 401K account...I can't believe you are presidential...or that 46+ percent of the American electorate think you should be President!
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